The World's Best Diet Book!

This is abosolutely the world's best diet for you - it's your personal diet

Forget all the set diets, the Atkin's, the South Beach, etc They only work for some people. Your own body knows what it wants to be healthy and slim. Listen to it!

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The Science of Eating Wisely

For over 30 years Prof Keith Scott-Mumby has been a well-known and respected pioneer in alternative medicine, writing and broadcasting all over the world. Now he puts together the benefits of his vast clinical experience to show you how you can uncover the secret foods that may be sapping your vitality, reducing your mental powers, causing numerous mysterious symptoms and perhaps even shortening your life.

Whether you are healthy but wanting to enrich your life and stay well, or suffering from a medical condition that is being made worse by toxic food overload, everything you need to know is in this book. This comprehensive guide is guaranteed to change your understanding of food and nutrition forever. You will be truly Diet Wise…

 Dr Scott-Mumby is a British trained MD, now living in California. He is professor of nutrition at the Open International University for Complementary Medicines and currently lectures at the California Institute for Human Science. His wife Vivien is a fashion designer.


adreyenn ashley

Listen to entrepreneur and award-winning film producer Adreyenn Ashley talk about her experiences with mood disturbance caused by bandit foods and why she likes Dr Keith's "Diet Wise".

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REVIEW BY DR DORIS RAPP, one of the great ladies of US medicine.

I have had a most delightful time reviewing Dr Mumby’s latest book entitled Diet Wise. If you want a practical book that will enable you, on your own, to figure out why you remain sick, in spite of many doctors and pills, consider reading this book. The accurate detection of food sensitivities can remain elusive for years because it does not have a high enough priority in medical school education. I personally missed it for about 25 years until I happened to go to a food allergy meeting. As Dr Mumby so aptly points out, absolutely any area of the body can be affected .Food allergy is much much more than asthma, hay fever, belly problems and rashes. You can be sick for your whole life if you do not take the time to keep some records and figure out the food answers. The practical tips to explain why only certain people become ill, what can make the symptoms worse and what you can do about it, is all there. Stress, wrong genes and vaccines can make you more prone to this problem. The answer is simply to find the culprits, eliminate them and your sick days will be over.


This is a really important book. I thank Dr Scott-Mumby for having written it. In it he exposes many working truths that an aware physician is forced to confront on a daily basis. The fact is we are all very different, a product of tiny variations in our genetic make-up, and our individual tolerance of foods reflects this. Instead of being an arid academic book, DIET WISE is a practical everyday manual for the intelligent layman or enquiring practitioner, livened up with a number of remarkable and instructive case studies. I keep a copy on my night stand! A must read.


The subtitle of “Diet Wise” (“Let your body choose the food that’s right for you”) seems too simple to be true. Isn’t extensive testing by professionals required to determine food allergies, sensitivities, and incompatibilities? Sometimes that’s true, but very often, it isn’t. Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby has done a superlative job explaining exactly how—with close attention to how you feel—you can discover on your own exactly the right foods for you. Even whole, natural, organic foods—not just “junk foods”—are often major causes of many health problems.

Dr. Scott-Mumby skillfully and understandably guides you towards the unique combination of foods that are good for you and your family as individuals. If your health is perfect, you may not need this book, but if not, you’ll very likely feel better after following Dr. Scott-Mumby’s program.

Diet Wise is the best book I have seen to guide anyone with any of the health problems listed above (and many more) to significant self-directed health improvement. Dr. Scott-Mumby has done a terrific job for us all! Highly recommended!

320 pages, packed with information

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portrait of Prof Scott-Mumby
We used to think mainly of food allergy. Now it is clear that genetic food incompatibility is an almost universal issue. Everyone is different in their genes. We all have one or more foods which are make us unwell, either overtly or by secretly undermining health and vitality - Prof. Scott-Mumby


If not, you need to read this book!

  1. Did you know that most foods contain poisons? Some people don’t have the genes to process these toxins properly.
  2. Did you know that many foods can cause serious brain malfunction? It’s like being drunk of hungover in the morning.
  3. Did you know that you can be addicted to foods which hurt you? The very foods you like might be doing you the most harm.
  4. Did you know that fatigue and mood swings can be caused by something you are eating? Altered mood is one of the very common responses to food toxins.
  5. Did you know that a destructive food can disguise itself, so you would never guess which one it is? I’ll explain how this disguise mechanism works.
  6. Did you know that continuing to eat the wrong food will speed up aging? Bad diet is stressful and raises damaging cortisol levels.
  7. Did you know that the reason folks wake up crabby and slow in the morning is because they are addicted to one or more foods? For most people breakfast is the “fix” that clears their symptoms and gets them going.
  8. Did you know the wrong foods switch can on damaging genes and the right foods can switch off bad genes? We call this new science nutrigenomics.
  9. Did you know that losing weight easily is possible by eliminating certain foods, not necessarily eating less? Eat all you want if you stick to the safe foods. No need to be hungry!
  10. Foods can cause inappropriate sexual arousal. It’s not about aphrodisiacs, it’s about excessive brain stimulation.


YES Lots of personal cases to keep you motivated:

  • A man who is now 83 years old and fitter than at any age in his life (including teens and twenties)

  • A man of 78 who needed a heart transplant - but not after he worked with Prof Scott-Mumby on food incompatibilities!

  • A woman of 39 who "woke up" from so-called brain damage. It was food all the time. Her moving story was told in the media throughout the world.

  • A young girl of 18 with cerebral palsy who spoke for the first time at that age. Her first words: "I love you Mummy!" She had understood language all those years but foods kept her trapped.

  • Tens of thousands of cases to back up this vast working knowledge of one of the world's leading clinicians, over three decades of working life.

YES A simple pulse testing method you can do at home, even in a restaurant, to rapidly identify troublesome foods.

YES Lots of secrets, such as how to test a yet unborn baby for food intolerance, how to test a food without swallowing it, a simple old-fashioned remedy that switches off an unpleasant reaction to food in just minutes!!

Table of food families. Which foods are genetically alike?

PLUS recipes, menus and lots lots more.. Read a casebook example, click here

$19.99 (320 pages) plus shipping

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Dear Prof Scott-Mumby,

...just a heartfelt THANK YOU!!! I purchased your wonderful book on diet modifications...Bottom line is...I not only lost the 30 pounds I'd gradually gained over the past decade, but I have absolutely no problem keeping it off! As long as I stay away from all grains & any animal meat that has been grain and/or soy fed...I'm skinny again and lovin' it! Citrus fruits were a big deal too. My teeth and my jaw ached all the after locating the trouble foods that pain and sensitivity is gone completely...Thank you, again, for really helping me feel more normal. Susan Young, Lucerne Valley, CA

Dear Prof Scott-Mumby,

I had your marvelous book sitting on my night stand since receiving it. While looking at the pages marked for hypoglycemia, I ended up reading the entire book. Exciting news about foods and our individual reactions to these.

Your book takes so much "guilt" out of physical conditions especially noted by social standards as falling within the "lack of character" range. I was totally fascinated. Medicine's mainstream has probably forced us into pidgeonholes that acted as prisons for our own health. Once upon a time, I began my trek into veterinary medicine...grew discouraged with the machinations....and today I am lucky to have a marvelous youngish veterinary doctor who listens to me about my old malamute female with canine incontinence.

Thank you for this wonderful source material written in such an easily understandable fashion. We in the public are growing more literate and can afford to know background reasoning to help with our own treatment mentality.

Marvelous work. I am delighted to own it! Thank you, Becky in USA

order now!

Casebook example:

Muscular dystrophy

I’d like to share another of my miracle cases that left me in awe and with a wonderful sense of being blessed and helped by higher forces. It concerns a young 6 year-old boy called Ryan, with muscular dystrophy. This is a progressive condition of muscular weakness and wasting, which starts in the legs and pelvis and later affects the whole body, usually resulting in early death due to respiratory or heart failure. It is a genetic disorder, either inherited or caused by a gene mutation, and affects males almost exclusively.

There is no question Ryan had this disorder. It shows up before the 6th year of life and the first thing that parents notice, usually, is the child using his arms and hands to push himself upright, instead of leg muscles.

His parents brought Ryan to see me to ask if I could help. These were heady pioneer days and my frequent appearances in the press and on TV and radio, featuring some surprising recoveries, allowed many intelligent parents to reasonably question whether a prognosis of “incurable” was really correct.

Given the gloomy outlook for Ryan, I was willing to try.

Looking back, I was being remarkably cocky, maybe even arrogant, but in fact it wasn’t even difficult. Within 2 weeks on the program in this book Ryan was on the road to recovery. The first exciting report was that his parents saw Ryan running alongside a friend on his bicycle; that didn’t sound like progressive muscular weakness! In fact he made such a good recovery that one day not long afterwards Ryan climbed the Walter Scott Monument in Edinburgh, Scotland. The structure is 200 feet high and has 287 steps. There is an official certificate for those who climb to the top and Ryan was the proud possessor one.

At the time, even I had to admit it shouldn’t have happened. But I did recognize this is the power of the body load model. If you reduce the body’s burden by whatever means, then partial or complete recovery is likely to take place. Diet is the most dramatic unburdening route I know, and relatively easy to do, once you have absorbed the contents of this book. Being truly Diet Wise is very powerful and can help you with so many health issues in life.

A quarter of a century on, I would now think in terms of genetic food programming. Genes and minor gene variants called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphs) mean that we are all virtually unique in our responses to food. But as I have hinted earlier, we now know that gene expression can be influenced by environmental exposures to many substances, including what we eat. Almost certainly in this case I was able to down-regulate Ryan’s dystrophic gene and so put this lethal illness into reverse.

To generalize from this exciting new theory of gene control, it means if you find and follow your own personalized diet, as I explain in DIET WISE, then you are in fine shape to live far longer and conquer major killers, such as cancer and heart disease. Your good genes will flourish and your bad genes will regress. At last I’m sure you are beginning to understand why Luigi Cornaro (full story in chapter 1) lived against all odds to reach the age of 98 years, at a time when few survived their fortieth birthday and when it was quite exceptional even to reach the Biblical three score years and ten. Cornaro not only lived a long time but was remarkably fit and well, providing he remained “diet wise”!

Get really diet wise... Get DIET WISE!

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